In homage to Bergman film « Persona », Candice, filmed in Southern Iceland, premiered at Festival « Air d’Islande » on 6th February 2015 in Paris, France.

Scored by Steven Severin featuring Neil Carlill and the cellist Julia Kent.
CANDICE (9min30, b&w/color, HD 1080p)
Art video by Mademoiselle L.
Experimental, spoken words. Original score by Steven Severin and Julia Kent.

To resonate through / résonner au travers

Director: ML
Camera: ML
Sound design ML & J. C. Scottis
Original music score: Steven Severin
Prélude and finale composed and performed by Julia Kent.
Texts and voice: Neil Carlill.

Promenade linéaire d’une femme solitaire plongée dans ses pensées. Sable noir et ciel gris barrés par des vagues blanches. Femme en filigrane. Espace fragile tout autour. Sensation perpétuelle d’être ‘en dehors’. Elle vacille. Égoïste. Une voix d’homme accompagne ses pas, malgré elle. Il s’incruste. Brise la mer de glace qui la hante. Harmonies préméditées. Au rythme des mots dans sa tête, l’horizon infini entre en vibration. Les ondulations du temps qui passe se mêlent au paysage et forment des lignes noires et blanches devant ses yeux, comme les aiguilles anti-horaires de mon existence, pense-t-elle… Candice fixe enfin la lumière noire de sa condition humaine. La lumière douloureuse d’un désastre certain.

/ « Linear walk of a lonely woman deep in thought. Black sand and gray sky crossed out with white waves. A filigree woman. Fragile space all around. Perpetual feeling of being ‘outside’. She vacillates. Selfish. A man’s voice accompanies her steps, despite herself. He embeds himself. Shatters the sea of ice that haunts her. Premeditated harmonies. To the rhythm of the words in her head, the infinite horizon begins to vibrate. The ripples of passing time mingle with the landscape and form black and white lines before her eyes, like the anti-clockwise hands of my existence, she thinks… Candice finally stares at the dark light of her human condition. The painful light of certain disaster. » ML 2014

CANDICE WORDS by Neil Carlill:
« Through a finger frame (s)he sees her
Afternoon climbs before the mirror. 
Head-dress like a famous doll (s)he sees her. 
Pen. Seas. Girl.  
Styled aboard the shoreline.
(Only the cold air can wake me.)

Pen. Girl.  
Styled aboard the shoreline.

I’m worn loud, outside moving in the blur of a seaside headline
and point counter point storytelling.

The charm of pen to Persona
The painful light of certain disaster.

I’m lost on me, forgotten drinks pour shelves into questions on the up.
There again nothing seems to finish in the place provided.
Rise early to greet the latest of sour days.

Land escapes the ice.
The eyes return a dissolve in 32 frames per second
(It’s a truce to feel selfish and alone)
32 locked targets for a sound illustration
(Only the cold air can wake me.)
It’s a truce to feel selfish and alone. 

Only the cold air can wake me. »
(Original text by Neil Carlill for Candice, 2013)

ML: http://www.limonadeart.com
STEVEN SEVERIN: http://www.stevenseverin.bandcamp.com
and also http://www.facebook.com/severin.steven
JULIA KENT: http://www.juliakent.com
and also http://www.facebook.com/juliakent.music
NEIL CARLILL: http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Carlill


Candice was screened on Friday 6 Feb. 2015 at Festival Air d’Islande /Institut finlandais in Paris.
Candice was selected for Papay Gyro Nights 2015 and presented:
3-10 February at Papay Gyro Nights 2015 in Papa Westray, Orkney
6-20 March at Papay Gyro Nights 2015 in Hong Kong.

And also:

11 Nov at Papay Gyro Nights 2016 in Paris.
17 Sept- 23 Oct at Gallerí Úthverfa / Ísafjörður (Iceland) 2016.
24 Nov at Festival International Signes de Nuit in Paris.
26-27 Oct. 2019 at Deiglan Gallery in Akureyri (Iceland). Exhibition titled « CANDICE ALMALIZA SELKIE ».

« With these 3 ‘cineplastic’ experiences, I worked on the spatio-corporal resonance. The body is stretched (like a vibrating string) in an endlessly undulating linear landscape, in an invading sea of sand and cries, then finally in a burial of fire stones. With Candice (I), The Selkie (II) and Deirdre (III), I tried to shed light on 3 female metamorphoses (in reference to the 3 muses) revealing the lights of our human condition which I decline in 3 tones: white (ice – fear), black (earth – death) and red (fire – regret) »
Monade Li, January 2023.

©2014-2021 limonadeart, Paris